a merry capricorn new moon to you!
Hello Capricorn season!
I have a confession to make…I love every and all Capricorns, because that’s the soul piece I’m currently integrating. If you’re a Capricorn, please call me up, I want to be best friends with you YESTERDAY. (Michael, call me too, we are best friends and I miss you.)
I feel like they get a bad representation a lot of the time so here’s the freakin’ deal. Let’s talk about Capricorn and why it’s important everyone operates in this energy at some point in their lifetime.
Capricorns feel a strong inner sense of purpose or duty, because their soul design already comes with that inner knowing that they’re here to do something important. I sure don’t have that naturally in my soul design, so many of you out there that don’t as well could look at a Capricorn and think, “Hey, why do you think and act like you’re so special?” It’s because they’re mirroring to you and teaching you that you’ve got that special in you, too! In your own way, of course. Isn’t that cool?
Are they misunderstood as workaholics? Probably. But you can’t blame them for that. If you’re someone that has the inner pull to care solely about relationships or solely about finances or solely about service or like me, solely about the spirit world, you can’t blame them for spending all their time building the important thing they came here to build. They’re just being a Capricorn, and showing you how identifying gifts that you have and committing to utilizing them brings you closer to feeling more connected to your soul, and thus, more connected to everyone/source.
They are loyal and reliable, and very focused. Some love to spend time hermitting, reflecting on what’s really important in their life and what actions they should take regarding that. They are visionaries, and they are here to put in the work to change things here on Earth through the soul-affirming work they choose to step into (you know, if they choose to step into it, because some don’t and work all their life just to work.) So next time you see a Capricorn, tell them they’re doing great work, and that you’re grateful for what they do. Could they use some balance in their life? Absolutely. And so could we, all of us who think we’re just here to play or dream or have fun with other people and not step into our talents and abilities in a purposeful way that serves the collective in this lifetime, you know?
Anyway, it’s Capricorn season, and it’s winter, so why don’t all of us take a few weeks to go inward and sit with ourselves, to see where we’ve been, what we’ve learned, and where we’re going, so we can get a sense of what really matters to us. Yeah, spend time with your family and friends, eat good food, go to parties, but then come home and reflect on where your energy is going. Reflect on where your energy WANTS to go. Then set and commit to a few Capricorn goals to get a little closer to your soul this coming year, in whatever way you see appropriate, because you’re the authority on YOU!
To clarify, I’m not in love with Capricorns, or anyone, my heart is currently stolen and filled by little preschoolers who bring me flowers and call me Bwi. I have baby fever, it’s true. Whether that’s going to end in me birthing a meaningful memoir in the coming years, or finally making enough money to foster a child, or perhaps both, I’ll sure let you know. But I’m sure reflecting on it all.
Because I’m integrating Capricorn, meaning I’m sharing my purposeful realizations of my soul with the public instead of keeping it to myself. Which is FUNNY AND WEIRD, OKAY?
One of my preschoolers says, ‘OKAY?’ at the end of everything, so I’m clearly taking on his energy now in all of my communications.
That’s all. Merry Capricorn, and a Happy New Soul Purpose.