Aries Full Moon

full moon in aries downloads

I am in the backyard of the Airbnb I am staying at here on the outskirts of Phoenix, and the moon is bigger and brighter than I’ve ever seen it. I’ve never lived in a place where I can see the sky so clearly every night. It’s crazy that I’m able to now. But that’s the big shift I am feeling within myself. I am zooming out and seeing the larger picture. I see the sun. I see the moon. I see the stars. I am not trapped in my complex hidden worlds under the trees (as much) anymore. The energy is so clear out here.

It is so refreshing. I feel like I’m taking a moon bath. What a nice self-care experience as a Pisces.

moon bath

Cosmic Guidance

It’s been a while since I heard from the stars, but tonight they had something to say. I looked up at the moon and then shut my eyes, breathing in the moon rays, when I heard a voice in my head. It was one of those voices that once it started, it didn’t stop, until the message was sent all the way through. This is roughly what was said.

“I love you, dear starchild. You have been doing such good work and we want you to continue. The things you came here to do are very different from what many others do here, so it is okay if you feel that you’re different. Your mission is unique. You came to hold a vibration, and you have been doing so very beautifully. As you hold the vibration we ask you to hold, others will be inspired, and meet you at your vibration. You are in a leadership role, which means your path is not easy. You do not lead in the ways that others expect. You lead with energy. You are to be like a child, to play, to be creative, to have fun, and to also use your natural abilities to assist the collective consciousness. As you do so, you will be rewarded. This may seem like it is out of reach, but it is closer than you think.You are about to enter a dark time where you will confront your fears and we emphasize that you CAN do this. You came here to do this. We only ask that you remember that the darkness is where the light gets in. So when you are in the depths of those harrowing places in humanity, we ask you to shine brightly. We love you. Thank you for listening to our message. We will talk to you again soon.”

As the message finished, I opened my eyes, and looked up once again at the bright white moon, shining big and bold in the dark night sky.

I can do this. I know myself better than anyone, and that’s where my power lies. So many years I thought power was love, or power was confidence, or power was physical, in a way. But all this time true power has been in authenticity. My ability to express creatively the divine essence that is me.

The more that I do that, the more connected to spirit I feel. And the more connected to spirit I feel, the more unstoppable and capable I know that I am.

What a great reminder on this magical day.

cosmic guidance

Cotton Candy Skies


To Those Who Are Lost