happy aquarius season
A candle is lit. My plants are watered. My lemon balm tea is made. My body is lotioned. My psoriasis is lathered in cocoa butter. A blog about to be written. Damn Bri, are you something called…GROUNDED?
In wondrous Aquarius fashion, I am really expressing myself as uniquely me lately! There is no one else I would ever wanna be. Removing all the conditioning and beliefs and behaviors I’ve stacked on all these years, I am feeling much lighter and freer these days. In all ways, let me tell you. It’s taken a lot of work to get here. It’s been a LONG year.
I laid in my bed after work listening to Molly’s astrology podcast and just basked in the beauty and dreaminess of everything I am right now, in this moment. I blame Neptune, really, and my girl Gigi already told me that this energy was coming today. Do you ever just bask in the bliss of nothing and everythingness? Do you ever just lay and dream and envision beauty and love and all of the happiest moments in your life, and everywhere you’ve been, and everything you’re becoming, and all of the people you love? I do. Today.
I started Hello Fresh this past week because I am focusing on nurturing on myself through cooking.
so far I have not burned the house down
I have this new thing I do when I eat food where I picture my little friend August chewing happily on his lunch and do the same. Kids have fun when they eat. They clearly enjoy their food. They make funny faces and bounce their head up and down and I’m just like, wow, I want to embody that ENTIRELY. I want to enjoy eating food again. I have really enjoyed making meals this week. It is essentially a little like art, you’re creating stuff with materials. What has even been my deal all along? It’s all just been so intimidating, no matter how far I get and the more I learn.
And don’t worry, I still notice gluten makes me crazy, and I just want to advise that to anyone out there, that if you eat a bowl of pasta, and then an hour later you are crying in your room about how you want to destroy yourself, I’m just saying…you might want to eat less of gluten. I am not the best at it all the time, but I definitely monitor how much of it I take into my body in relation to other things. I try to go gluten free as much as possible, and I am better for it.
Essentially, I’m feeling the most grounded I’ve ever felt lately. Even if it’s between weird spirit experiences and seeing energy and having crazy dreams and manifesting things into reality using magic lol.
It’s fun being me. It’s fun having boundaries. It’s fun living life on feeling, and flowing, and sleeping if I want to, and creating if I want to, and reaching out to people if I want to, and learning more about the universe if I want to…oh my god if you really think about, there is not enough time in the world, like are you kidding me? There are so many places to go, so many things to learn, so many spirits to channel, so many people to talk to, so many lessons to learn, so many foods to try, so many friends to help, so many songs to write…holy shnikies is this what living is like? Because I swear I went to bad last night and it was November and now it’s almost February and I don’t even know half the things I’ve been doing because I’m so in the moment about it all.
Sounds like I’m bragging, I know, but it’s literally just me talking about my experience in away that is from my stream of consciousness so love me hate you ain’t meeeeee.
Hahaha, alright, time to go find something else to do with my time. See ya on the flip side. :)