divine virgo mother
I seemingly stumbled into you one day, not knowing that you would be someone who would change my life forever.
When I engage with you I feel a little like I am talking to myself in the future. Which is interesting, because I’ve never wanted to have a future. So many days of wanting to destroy myself because of the love I never received, so many times I’ve plead to the universe to please take me out before I turn 30, because I can’t continue on this pain-filled planet any longer.
And now I am nearly 29, and I know you, and everything is different.
You are this divine mirror of the nurturing I want to give myself. The nurturing I’d like to give others someday. You are a gentle, compassionate, wisdom-filled being, moving through the world as love. You do not shout it at others like it is something you want them to know about you. You also do not hide it away like you are ashamed of it. You express you, in the comfort of your own home that you tend to. It is beautiful to witness.
You are just what you are, and when you speak, your words flow into my heart. That is what I would expect, with so many of your planets in Leo.
I would probably not listen to anyone if they gave me advice these days, because of my past, but I would listen to you, every time. There have been so many times I have excitedly told you something I feel like I know, and heard your response, and am instantly humbled, knowing your wisdom wins out. Your wisdom teaches more. Because it is backed with the experience of you. I learn so much from your experience on this planet.
And you may laugh it away like it doesn’t mean anything, or carry on about all of the things you still have to do, or find, or be critical of all the things you need to fix, in your Virgo Earth Mother ways. But your soul speaks to me through it all unlike any other.
I cherish our conversations that flow on any and every topic, but my favorites are always the ones on spiritual breakthroughs. Our light-hearted laughter on what it means to be a soul in this weird human body, doing these funny things on Earth. I am not able to do that with just anybody.
Sometimes you talk about your confusion of not knowing what you’re here to do, or the important thing you came here to be, meanwhile, you existing is maybe one of the most important things that has ever happened to me.
Sure, I may not have known you my entire life. But the way we talk, it seems as if we’ve been having these coffee talks for many lifetimes.
I’ll always keep reaching out to you, asking when to meet, through time and space. I want to know where you’ve walked, what you know, where you’ve been. I want to bounce my latest ideas on spirituality off of your bright eyes and gentle smile.
So don’t worry, I’ll keep going. I want to experience it all, because I see that you have, and still are.
Not in the same way, no, because I am not you. That’s always for you to discover. I am just happy to have somebody to look up to, somebody who teaches me how I can be love. The only thing I’ve ever wanted to be in this entire world.