spiritually exhausted
Today I am scared of you.
Every single one of you.
Not on a spiritual level. Because I know you’re all me.
Not on a mental level. Because I know you all are just playing out different energies as the unique personalities you came to this planet to be and learn from.
But on a physical level.
Please don’t hurt me.
I’m just trying to survive.
Being alive hurts me so much already, please don’t inflict any more pain.
All I want to do is tell you how wonderful you are and how much potential you have until the day that you die.
Please stay away from me. I can’t take anymore.
I just want to sing about the beauty of your souls in my sanctuary.
I want to dive into the depths of your bright and write poetry about your light.
I love you all so much I can barely stand it. Please don’t come any closer.