a starseer’s blog
a safe place for my creative self-expression.
What you might not see about suicide: an essay from a highly sensitive survivor
Suicides won’t stop happening solely because you commit to reach out more to your family or friends. They won’t, because they happen when you’re in the middle of cooking dinner, or when you’re sound asleep. They happen when you’re laughing hysterically at a tiktok, or calling to check in with your mom. They happen when everything is seemingly okay. After all, most of the time it is, except for those few minutes in which it is shockingly not.
And this is what I think many people don’t understand about highly sensitives and their mental health, especially lately.
disorganized attachment
Having disorganized attachment doesn’t mean you’re not a safe person. For me, it means that since emotional security and safety wasn’t modeled or provided to you, you have the journey and responsibility of finding that for yourself, however you can.
connecting threads
I feel that the spider who spins its web differently every single day on my driver’s side mirror works and longs to build a strong web that does not get destroyed every time the car is in motion.
I work and long to do the same.