True Freedom

Lies within your soul.

true freedom lies within your soul

The outside world and other people can chain you down in so many different ways, and there is not a single thing that can actually touch you unless your soul allows it to. It’s up to you if you want to let it.

YOU are accountable for what you choose to engage your energy with. YOU are accountable for the friends you choose to hang out with, what work environment you choose to operate in, what conversations you allow into your space, where you choose to live, what you choose to do.

YOU are the key.

This is your life experience, and in every single moment you are actively choosing to think thoughts, say words, act on instincts. And whatever you are doing RIGHT NOW is what your life experience will continue to be charged by. So you better choose wisely.

If you want my sympathy for all of the hard things that have happened to you in your life, and why they have affected your choices, and how they’ve impacted your ability to grow and change, that’s fine. I’m so sorry you’ve had to deal with that. I hear you. I honor your experience. And also, you’re right.

Here’s the thing, YOU’RE ALWAYS RIGHT.

What you’re thinking. What you’re doing. Decisions you’re making. You are right, and whatever beliefs you are creating, whatever life path you are choosing to walk down, the entire world around you in your perspective is being built by those constructs, and you’re right. There is your validation. It’s all on you.

Whatever you think, it will appear. Whatever you say will come to you. You’re right.

Right and wrong are funny that way. Spirit thinks they are hilarious. What you are being right now is what is. You can use your mind to make up a story about it, and call it right or wrong if you want to, but that’s just a funny story.

The longer I am on this road, the funnier people become to me. I see people getting angry and throwing words at one another, I see the power struggle, I see the wars they try to win, the points they try to make, the ways they want to be heard, the expressions that are set free after being held for so long.

Once you see behind others and their actions and reactions, once you see their soul growth and their path of healing, there are no opinions to be had. When you see everyone and where they are at in their learning, there are no points to be made. There is only energy to transmute. That is where I’m at.

“What, are you a buddhist or something?”

“I haven’t heard you complain, are you doing okay?”

Haha oh, I’m fine, I’m a wizard.

In other words, I don’t see problems, I only see learning, and I transmute the rest, and I focus my awareness on things that brighten my soul, and I feel fucking great.

Call me crazy, maybe, but I’m really fucking happy right now. Because I realized life is about fun, creativity and freedom. And transmuting, and magic.

That’s the key. I LOVE being me.

I love being free.




Cotton Candy Skies