When You Step Into the Dark Depths
And you can’t see anything but the muddy, murky waters of everything that is heavy and dense, take a deep breath, and know I am with you. In spirit, in soul, in pure divine presence, I exist.
I may not exist in that space all the time in 3D realms, but in other dimensions I do, and that Bri always has time and space for you.
I know this is true, because others show up for me here when I’m in this space, and I am so grateful when they do. It is a profound experience, being overpowered by the darkness, and then feeling into the light presence of others in the world that I know.
It all disappears. The heaviness lifts. My awareness is clear again.
Reality is complex, and ever-moving. Often you know why you feel something, and you dive into coping mechanisms, or your emotional work on what is in your awareness. Other times you may not know why you feel what you do, only that you feel it. When there is no logical sense behind it, and only chaos, it might be because it’s not all you.
I often feel the presence of spirits fighting hard for my awareness, and they are tricky sometimes. If they trick me, someone who knows that they are there, they are most likely always tricking you.
They’ll say things like, “no one loves you, no one is there for you, you are alone in this world, it’s too much, too hard, it’s better if you join us, destroy yourself.”
And you might believe them for a moment, because their words have partial truth to them. After all, you wouldn’t be resonating with these energetic presences if they weren’t somehow apart of you, and part of your energetic story. That’s how it all works, anyway.
We are all apart of each other. There is no right and no wrong. No one is trying to drag you to the pits of hell. They are just looking for those who resonate at their frequency. And sometimes we slip there, because of the things we experience, because of the energies we choose to play out during our day-to-day lives.
Tread carefully, as it’s a slippery slope when you’re a sensitive soul like me. Keep those boundaries and light presences surrounding you always. It doesn’t take much for you to go from one side of the spectrum, straight to the other. And that doesn’t mean you’re crazy. It means you’re sensitive. You have the ability to experience the most light and the most darkness in this world because your range is incredible, and it’s a gift, not a curse. You have to believe it’s a gift, or you won’t make it.
I say there’s no right and no wrong, but that isn’t true. Everybody’s got a sense of their own right and wrong, and it’s up to you on the beliefs that you build.
And when you build these beliefs, know they will run everything in your world. They will tell you exactly what’s happening, always. And you’re giving them the power to, with that thing called your mind.
I recommend choosing beliefs where you are responsible for your reality, but hey, it’s your life experience, not mine.
The sweetness of life, the magic of lightness, the pure love that exists - it’s there if you want it. You get to choose to experience it in each moment. It’s up to you.
So in those moments when you choose to step into the dark depths, and the light feels far away, and it feels like you just can’t go on any longer…
I am with you. I am covering you in sparkles, and magic, and love.
You might think it’s all in your head, but that’s the real trick.
Imagination and creation is everything. We are all connected.
Energy is neither created or destroyed. It just changes form.
Feel and experience it all. Then… choose love.