acid eyes

Laramie, Wyoming.

Over the past day I’ve been experiencing a phenomenon that doesn’t make any sense, but this is just who I’ve become, experiencing many things that don’t make much sense to the physical world.

It’s happened before, and it’s scary when things like this happen, because I don’t know anything about it and thus, don’t really know if something is wrong. Working in energy realms is unsettling sometimes in this way because of so much unknown and needing to stay calm while practicing trial and error. But to this day, I know energy is what affects my body more than anything else, and so that’s how I’ve approached this curious situation as well.

Essentially what happens is colorful shapes pop up in my line of vision. And yes, the best way to describe this is like being on mushrooms or acid. I haven’t done any drugs in years, I eat well, and only drink alcohol socially, so this happening out of nowhere was very surprising to me. Imagine one moment, you’re just sitting on the couch watching a movie, and the next, there are suddenly colorful shapes moving around in your eyesight. It’s weird, and disorienting, and annoying.

At first when it happened, I thought I was finally having problems with my vision. I’ve always had perfect vision in life, and have been waiting for it to falter. So I got online and looked up all the possible vision problems one could have and quickly decided this is definitely not that.

For many reasons, but one of them being, it only happens when it rains. Another one being, technicolor geometric shapes like triangles and zigzags moving around in my eyesight going back and forth between my left and right eye is very much different than a floater…

Last night when it happened, I alarmingly asked my spirit guide how to make it go away, and she told me to jump in the shower and it would disappear immediately. I did what she told me to, and she was right, as soon as I got under the water, I saw the shapes and colorful moving lines fade away from my line of vision.

I just never know what kind of weird symptoms my highly sensitive body will experience next. But at least the great part is, since grounding in my own energy and learning more about how energy affects my physical body, I have succeeded in always getting these strange symptoms to go away.

If I was to guess what happens with what I’m calling, “acid eyes,” it is that storms bring in some kind of intense pressure that affects my energy field, maybe making it harder to ground myself, and perhaps I have too much energy more towards the top of my energy field when this happens, causing this phenomenon somehow.

Obviously I can’t really be sure, but that’s my theory for now.

It’s important to me to document these things when they happen, so I can track them and know more about my body and energy. I don’t know if this will continue to happen, but god,

it sure weirded me out.


second time


never meant to understand