gotta keep talking
This video could make you feel uncomfortable when you first watch it. That makes sense to me, someone is performing in front of you on a blog or social media app so you’re expecting them to put their best foot forward, and instead, you get a video where they scream and do weird dance moves and seem to fall to pieces at the end.
I often film myself doing the things that I do every day for my vlog, and wanted to share this today to show another way I move energy through my highly sensitive body. In my opinion, there is not enough movement in society. We don’t allow ourselves to dance, move, and get all of our emotions and energy out in a way that’s not necessarily pretty and poised.
I can tell you I feel so much better after doing this today, having some heavier emotions seemingly fall off of me from screaming and dancing alone in a room. I don’t doubt many of you do this very same thing when the weight of the world seems to fall on your shoulders.
We take things day by day, moment to moment, always operating in new spaces where our needs change based on what is circulating in our energy bodies.
I don’t pretend to know all of the answers, but I do know that when I am sharing and talking about my experience it makes me feel less invisible, regardless of who hears it or likes it.
So I bear myself in a vulnerable space today, dancing like a dramatic fool, because it makes me feel good, and it’s part of my healing process, part of the natural ways I can heal my own body.
And sure, many other modalities are out there are, too. But this was the one I needed today, and I’m glad I listened.
I hope you have the courage to dance and cry in the mirror, you look so damn pretty dripping in tears like diamonds.
Song is Cry in the Mirror by Daisy the Great.