I am grateful for the sun and for the stars. For the galaxy, for the universe, for this little ball of light in it all that is me.
I am grateful for the ability to play music, and to create with my hands. I am grateful for all of the inspiration that comes from these realms and other realms.
I am grateful for my dreams, for my ancestors in my dreams, for my past lives, for my future lives, for everything in between.
I am grateful for those who are closest to me, who know me as I know me, and who understand all the little crevices of my identity so I never have to walk on eggshells around them. I am happy to be here because of them. To have intuitive friends is the greatest gift of all.
I am grateful for my health and what it has taught me about the world. I am grateful for a body that works most of the time even if it is a very fidgety faulty earth machine sometimes!!! I’m glad it works the best that it can and that it is working better and better every day as I choose to take care of it.
I am grateful for good tasting coffee. I am grateful to have a job and many jobs.
I am grateful to have the gift of internal happiness and to walk the spiritual path.
I am grateful for the spiritual lessons I learn every day with very important and incredible people.
I am grateful for children and their playfulness to remind me of the pure innocent light within me.
I am grateful for words, and for all of the beautiful ones others have written me, in letters and otherwise.
I am grateful to live in a safe place I call home where I can relax, with very cute doggos.
I am grateful I always meet really interesting people wherever I go.
I am grateful to have three native friends who teach me directly and very personally about the injustices they face practically every day. This day I think of their strength and am aware of my privileges and know I can always do better.
I am grateful for my gifts. I am grateful for the chance to be here to use them in a productive, supportive way during this time.
I am grateful for my spiritual teachers. For Molly, and Pam, and Amy, and Debbie, and Shelly, and Ani. Quite simply put, without them I would not be healthy, I would not have realized my strengths.
I am grateful for my experiences of darkness to know just how bright I can be.
I am grateful for music. I am grateful for unconditional love I feel within me and from the other side every day. I am grateful that I am never alone in this physical world.
I am grateful for my friends, for my soul contracts, for my soul bonds. I am grateful to both learn and teach in these soul bonds.
I am grateful for my family, teaching me the most important lessons of all, they, out of everyone, have accelerated my soul growth the most.
I am grateful for my awareness, for laughter, for nature, for good food, for sweets, for the plants, the animals, for all of the abundance that is ever present in my life and continuing. I am truly blessed, I am living a fantastic, incredible life, and this is a reminder of that.