Lessons from my 20’s.
Me and Soph
Today I’m 30, I have more wrinkles and chins, and this is what I would say to my 20-year old self.
Don’t run away from your trauma, it always catches up with you. If you get hurt or witness others getting hurt, say something, use your words no matter how scared you are. Set healthy boundaries with your phone and social media. Don’t give away all of your power to anyone teaching you about religion or spirituality, you have your own answers and intuition.
Secrets make you sick. If you can think it, sense it, hear it, feel it, it’s real. Spirits are real. Feeling suicidal is okay, it just means you need to change your life to feel more like yourself. That, or you need to process a bunch of darkness through creativity to feel the lightness of your soul again. Health isn’t just physical and mental, you have an energy body to balance, too. Life is a process of integration.
When you meet someone in life who stomps on your heart, take it as a learning experience. Learn why it hurt so much so you can heal that part of you on your own and not experience it with another. A way to heal your personal relationship with your parents is to work on your own emotional growth to the point where you see why they do what they do so it won’t get to you as much anymore. It doesn’t mean they’ll heal their relationship with you. You can’t change other people, you can only set boundaries with them. You can teach people, but you can’t make them learn. Embodying lessons in your own energy and actively being an example of a concept is an effective way to teach and inspire others.
Blocking someone doesn’t have to mean you don’t care about them. It’s similar to saying stop to the kid on the playground that keeps punching you and won’t listen. You can wish them well while they’re in timeout. Maybe they’ll be in your class next year and you’ll be friends again, maybe they won’t. Anyone who makes you feel insecure or small is teaching you how much power you have. Be mindful on how you use it. Gray Rock the narcissists in your life until they learn about their ego. Empower the empaths you know to not self-destruct, to set healthy boundaries and nurture themselves first before they nurture others.
You should spend a good amount of time alone to tap into and know what your needs are, you have a unique energetic makeup unlike anyone else and it might be hard to find alignment until you do. You likely have to learn how to effectively and clearly communicate what’s happening inside of you on your own, that’s part of learning what your needs are. Practice this with people who don’t trigger you all the time so you get better at it and can do it well in stressful situations. Do the things that terrify you, the fear rises but then it drops out of your body and after you do it, it’s less scary. You become brave.
You’re never more advanced than anyone else, you’re just at a different point on the spiral. You’ll probably make it to all the points eventually. Likely when others are at other points and might not see why you’re at the point you’re at. Some are at the same point you are, though. That’s called connection. The ones you feel very drawn to and speak intensely about are people you learn soul lessons with. If you learn the lesson, you’ll come together and connect even deeper. If you don’t, you’ll repel, likely in a nasty way. The ones who flow with you easily down the river are your life pillars. Build community with them.
Don’t ever let anyone else tell you what your identity is. Create it out of all of your unique talents, experiences, and ways of thinking. Write your story. Tell everyone what you see and what you’ve learned. You’re a special part of the puzzle, and without you, we wouldn’t know.
Lastly and most importantly, be authentic. That’s a very Pisces thing of me to say, but I mean it. It’s the pathway to healing yourself and healing the planet. Scared of what others have to say about your vulnerability? You don’t need their validation. They’re all just you learning about different stuff in a different body with a different personality. There’s nothing to worry about. I know, it’s easy to get lost in all of this 3D reality chaos.
Oh. Last last thing. Unconditional love is real. It’s light, you have unlimited access to it, and it’s different than the conditional love so many talk about on Earth.
Ok. I think that’s all.
Happy 30th Birthday Bri. Can’t wait to see what you know when you’re 40!